• Billing
  • E-Billing & Online Payments
  • E-Billing & Online Payments

    Goucher does not send paper statements. Statements are only available online, and parents or other parties must be signed up in order to receive notification and access to statements. Your student can also choose to enable SMS (text) messaging for statement notification.

    By signing you up to receive E-billing and/or text notifications, your student is giving us, the Billing department, permission to discuss any tuition account details with you either by email or phone. (Please always have your student's 9-digit ID ready. It starts with 002 or P002.) If you are not signed up, we won't be able to discuss any of your student's account details.

    Please use directions below to access E-billing statements and to make online payments.

    Access to E-billing Statements


    Students may view their E-billing statements, or follow these steps:

    1. Sign into myGoucher
    2. Click on “Statements” on the left
    3. Click on “View” next to Goucher Bill with the most recent date 

    Paper Checks mailed to Goucher will not show up under the Transaction History.

    Student Login


    Students will need to grant access for parents to view E-billing statements or make payments. After parents have been given access, they can log in, then View Bills

    Parent to View Statement :
    1. Go to Goucher's billing page
    2. Click on “Parent Login” at the top 
    3. Enter your PIN and Password and click Login
    4. Click on “Statements” at the left
    5. Choose the bill (statement)  you want to look at by clicking on the date the statement was issued

    If you do not have login credentials or have changed your email address, your student will have to grant you access to the account again.

    E-billing statements are created on a specific date and time. The current balance is real-time information, however, daily student account activity is not available to the parent.

    Use the Parent Login to view E-billing statements or make online payments using a Credit Card (convenience fee apply) or ACH check. For assistance, contact us.

    Parent Login

    Online Payments


    Students can make payments or follow these steps:

    1. Sign into myGoucher
    2. Click on “Make a Payment” at the left
    3. click on “View details” and enter the amount to be paid and click on “Add to payment”
    4. Click on Checkout
    5. Choose your Payment method – Bank Account; Credit or Debit card; 529 Plan or International Payment. Note that Credit and Debit cards have a convenience fee of 2.75%


    Student Login


    Online payments can be made 24 hours a day / 7 days a week and are credited to the student account within minutes. Online ACH payments are made using your bank's routing number and checking or savings account number (not the numbers on your debit card). Credit Cards are now accepted as payment (convenience fee applied.) Follow the steps below to make an online payment. For assistance, contact us

    1. Log in with your PIN and password which should have been emailed to you (from GoucherWebPay@866kq.com) when your student granted you access.

    2. Click on “Make a Payment” at the left

    3. Click on “View details” and enter the amount to be paid and click on “Add to payment”

    If you don't have your PIN or password, and want to make an immediate payment, you can log in as a Guest using the steps below.

    Parent Login


    Please note, guest logins will not have access to any account details. Follow the steps below to make an online payment. For assistance, contact us.

    1. Log in to guest access.
    2. Under Login, enter the student's ID number prefaced by a P (P002...).
    3. Enter the student's last name as prompted.
    4. Click Student Tuition Account.
    5. Enter the amount you wish to pay, then press Add to Cart.
    6. Click Checkout.
    7. Add your banking information.

    Guest Login

    E-billing Troubleshooting

    I did not receive an email notification of the Goucher Billing Statement

    I am a parent and I can't log into the system after being granted access by my student.

    1. Go to Goucher's E-Billing & Online Payments page.
    2. You must log in to the Parent login link not the Guest login.
    3. The system is case sensitive.
    4. Your temporary password wasn't changed in time and has expired. Your student will need to sign you up for E-billing again. Have him/her follow the directions under "Student Granting Access to Others."

    I am a student and my Goucher Student ID is not working after I logged in and I'm making a payment.

    When entering your Goucher Student ID for making payments enter only the 9 digits; do not enter the letter "P."

    My student's balance is now different from the E-billing statement I received.

    Student accounts are updated daily with charges and credits. For example, if your student changed his/her housing, food plan, or purchased Health insurance, the current balance shown on his/her myGoucher account could have changed. Additionally, payments not made online are not viewable through Transact. The E-billing statements reflect charges on the day the statements are generated. Additional account changes will be sent approximately every month.